A Resin is a natural or synthetic compound, often a polymer, that begins in a viscous or solid state and can harden with treatment. It is often a mixture that can be used in various other mixtures and applications by various downstream users. A resin polymer distinguishes itself from a “Plastic” in the sense that it is not moulded on its own to form finished articles, but is formulated into products as adhesives, paint/varnishes, composite materials, or other products.
E. Peudecoeur (Covestro)
The RTP comprises representatives of 9 Cefic sector groups / associations who produce resins. In total, RTP represents more than 100 companies.
CEPE – Paints, printing inks and artists’ colours in Europe
CES – Silicones Europe
EPRA – European Phenolic Resins Association
FORMACARE – The Formaldehyde sector group of Cefic
HARRPA – Hydrocarbon and Rosin Resins Producers Association
PPRM – Polyester Powder Resin Manufacturers
SRM – Solvent Resin Manufacturers
UPR – Unsaturated Polyester Resins
UVEB – European Ultra Violet (UV) and Electron Beam (EB) curable Acrylates
Twice a year the RTP Coordination Team (CT) meets to align on upcoming issues and prioritise them.
In addition, taskforces work on specific projects (Polymers, Microplastics, eSDS….). These taskforces are reporting to the RTP CT.