ESPA – European Stabiliser Producers Association

ESPA represents the majority of the PVC stabiliser producers across Europe.


It includes the European Calcium Organic Stabilisers Association (ECOSA), the European Liquid Stabilisers Association (ELISA) and the European Tin Stabilisers Association (ETINSA).


Stabilisers are added to PVC to allow its processing and to improve its resistance especially in outdoor applications, weathering and heat ageing and have an important influence on the physical properties of PVC finished articles. Factors such as process technology involved, technical requirements of PVC end product, regulatory requirements and cost, influence the choice of the stabiliser used.


E. Nanni (REAGENS group)


PVC stabilisers: calcium-based stabilisers, liquid stabilisers, tin stabilisers. Lead stabilisers from a legacy point of view and recycling of PVC.


8 Members:
Akdeniz Chemson (TR), Asua Products SA (ES), Baerlocher GmbH (DE), Galata Chemicals Gmbh (DE), IKA Innovative Kunststoffaufbereitung GmbH & Co. (DE), PMC Organometallix (NL), Reagens SpA (IT) and Valtris Specialty Chemicals (UK).



  • To provide a forum for discussion and carrying out joint projects of matters of technical, scientific and regulatory interest for stabilisers used in PVC applications
  • To provide information to users, regulators and other interested parties on safety, health and environmental issues related to PVC stabilisers
  • To analyze the challenges confronting the industry and develop appropriate initiatives to support the sustainability of stabilisers in PVC
  • ESPA is a co-founding member of the European PVC industry voluntary sustainable development programme VinylPlus (


For more information:


Sector Group Manager

Tímea Szentgyörgyi

Sector Group Manager

Mathilde Graas


Hannane Haddouch