Specialty Aluminas are synthetic products, often identified as non-metallurgical aluminas to distinguish them from smelter grade alumina, the principal feedstock for Aluminium metal production.
Usually deriving from bauxite ore, carefully controlled processes will produce a variety of forms and grades categorised as aluminium trihydroxide (ATH), activated aluminas, boehmite, calcined alumina, tabular alumina and fused alumina products. Each product in these categories has inherent thermal, electrical and/or chemical properties like superior hardness, mechanical strength and resistance to wear, to high temperatures and to corrosion. This makes of Specialty Aluminas key components in a broad range of applications like flame retardants, ceramic and refractory materials and products, bonded and coated abrasives, pressure blasting and wear resistant floorings and tiles.
Karl-Heinz Spriestersbach (Nabaltec AG)
7 Members:
ALMATIS GMBH (DE), Alteo (FR), Huber Engineered Materials (DE), Imerys Fused Minerals Villach GmbH (AT), Motim Electrocorundum Ltd. (HU), Nabaltec AG (DE), Silkem d.o.o. (SI)
The objectives of the group are to promote and defend European aluminas by
– raising awareness on how essential they are in everyday life thanks to their unique properties,
– monitoring and collaborating to legislative developments and
– ensuring a fair competitive context for European producers on a global market